Welcome to the re-launch of Men are pants! Let’s face it girls we have all been there at some point in our life. You know that feeling, when your world feels like it is over and your whole being has been encompassed by a deep dark fog. We have all been made to feel inconsequential, worthless, unloved and a failure by the man who we thought was the one we were destined to spend the rest of our lives with. I mean how wrong could we be?

Well, this website aims to help redress the balance! We all handle the break up in very different ways, and we hope when it feels dark and lonely that you can some find comfort and laughter within these pages. Do we hold the key to life itself I hear you mutter in anticipation! Sorry no, but what we can do is offer support and a more therapeutic way to vent your frustration and be there in your time of need –I mean we are female after all and are not currently headed for the cave to contemplate the fire and avoid the situation….! Keep it clean though; remember it’s all about the therapy!!!


The Box

The Box is a tool dedicated to 'naming and shaming' the man who is now, hopefully, out of our lives. He is the one responsible for making us cry, doubt ourselves and downright sad! He's the one that's let us down consistently and left our hearts shattered into a pile of broken pieces. The Box is our opportunity to share his behaviour with the female population at large and explain what exactly makes him deserving of this humiliating honour!



Welcome to the home of our FUNdamentals. Within these pages you will find some of our most humourous and popular articles. Everything from disasters with men, to those toys we all use when the lights go down! The mind boggles…….

If you have a story to share please send it to us by Email . We will try to feature as many of your articles as possible, as there is no better way to learn & laugh than through experience!


Join our Facebook Group

Men are Pants are now on Facebook! Join us so you can interact "Live" with us and fellow members.

Tell us what you think of our articles, join in with our polls and surveys and connect with like-minded people who have overcome the trials and tribulations of dysfunctional and harmful relationships.

Join Now!

Contact Us

We welcome any feedback on this site and its content. Additionally we are happy to receive any of your own stories, thoughts & nominations for our pages. We may have to amend and change things, but we will always endeavor to maintain the context!

We are also very interested in any ideas of ways you would like this site to develop in the future. At the end of the day it is all about you.

We look forward to hearing from you at info@menarepants.com